Monday, September 20, 2010

Summer Shenanigans

Just some random pics of summer fun....

Aidan's first concert.

MN Zoo with friends

Goofy kids.  And, when one does something, they all must try it...

Lots of lego work was done this summer.

Como Zoo with more friends.

Tom is a Scoutmaster, so he was off to Scout Camp for a week.  And, my fellow Girl's Campers, judging from the pictures, Girls Camp is a sorry comparison.  Scouts get to do lots of fun stuff...we do hikes and skits.  I mean, it was fun, and I have great memories, but seriously, how unequal!

Historic Fort Snelling

And, as a final hurrah to summer, the amusement park at the Mall of America on Labor Day.


Brenny said...

I totally had to look up 'malingerer'. Looks like a lot of fun. And I totally agree with the difference between scout camp and girls camp. We totally got the shaft.

Charlene said...

Nice to see pictures of our summer together!! Ethan is totally jealous of scout camp over there! They didn't have one here because of not enough scouts!! Hopefully, next year they will get to do something cool like that if their Scout master gets on the ball!!! (Roger) heeheeheehee