I will admit, they were some of my favorite summer reads when I read the series two years ago-lounging by my mom's pool. Perfect. I was a pretty big fan of sappy love stories when I was a teenager, so it wasn't too far of a leap for me to enjoy these books. I liked the original story line. Just a fun read. I think the movies are HORRIBLE, though. Maybe I liked the books because I could edit some of the over the top sappiness, and imagined the vampires less vampire-ish than portrayed in the films. That first movie was the worst! The movies do seem to be getting progressively better, so that's good.
A few weeks ago a friend of mine said she was taking her daughter to the midnight showing of the latest Twilight installment, Eclipse. She was getting a group together to go and asked me if I wanted in. Sure. I don't think I've ever done a midnight showing. I think we ended up with more moms than daughters going. She asked me to pick up the tickets last weekend. I realized as I was driving to the theater that I would totally look like one of those weirdo middle-aged fans. So I tried my best to play it cool as I bought the tickets, and nonchalantly ask if they were for the big theater. :) Tuesday night was the big night. I was definitely on the old end of the age spectrum in the theater. It was a lot of fun though. It was just fun hanging with some of my girl friends, and fun to watch and listen to all the giddy teens around us before the movie started. (We got there about an hour and a half early, and still couldn't get enough seats together for our group.) So, the movie started, and I thought it was pretty good, actually. I kind of want to see it again, to decide if I actually liked it, or if it was just the excitement of the evening...or maybe the gallon of Diet Pepsi coursing through my veins.
After the movie we headed to Perkins, which ended up being VERY slow. So, I didn't get home until about 4am. Crazy, huh? Super fun. The late night didn't really catch up with me until Wednesday evening.
So, all in all, I had a blast. I've been hesitant to share my adventure, for fear of being judged as a crazy twilight fan (have you seen the Burger King commercials?). It wasn't the love of Twilight, Edward or Jacob that made it such a great night. It was the fun adventure with some great friends. Thanks, ladies! What's our next midnight movie?
I didn't go to the midnight showing, but I did go the very first day with a group of friends. I am tempted to call you just to gossip about the movie. I actually had Stacy guess how many guys would be there -- I said 7 -- but I was surprised that quite a few boyfriends and husbands were there. Way more than my estimated 7...
you ARE brave! I haven't had the guts to admit online that I saw it at the midnight showing. Well, until now. I agree with you 100% the best part of the night was just hanging out with friends in line. The second best part was sleeping in until 9 a.m. and then stumbling around all day like a zombie. The last best part was the movie - but what can you expect??? Plus, I am so in love with the stash drawer.
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