Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Five...Summer TV

I am a TV head.  I love to record my shows on the DVR, put the kids to bed, then tune in.  What can I say?  Sometimes just vegging out at the end of the day is what I need to regain my sanity.   Or unwind.  Or just vegetate.  So here are the shows I'm recording this summer:

1.  Burn Notice (USA)  I  started watching this show in the past few months.  I'm actually watching the reruns of last season, and I'm so excited for the new season to start in July.  Burn Notice is kinda filling the Alias void for me...though it has no sci-fi weird stuff, which is okay.  It has some A-team and MacGyver elements, too. I'm loving this show!  (And, it has no blood and no nightmares, just good, clean spyish stuff.)

2.  So You Think You Can Dance (Fox)  What can I say, I'm sucked into the dance craze.  I'm not a fan of Dancing with the Stars though.  Pre-DVR days I used to watch this one with the boys.  It's pretty fun, but I'm not a voter.

3.  My Boys (TBS)  This is a show I discovered last summer.  After the incessant advertising on TBS (it's so annoying, yet apparently effective) I finally watched it, and I was pleasantly surprised.  It's just a light-hearted, fun show.

4.  America's Best Dance Crew (MTV)  I know, I know I'm getting too old for MTV and it has lots of trashy stuff, but c'mon it's a dance show.  It's kinda like So You Think You Can Dance for groups (crews).  It's fun to watch.  Plus, there is a bonus:  I learn the latest lingo from Lil Mama and Shane Sparks (but only when I am not letting the poor grammar drive me crazy).  (*ps-some other MTV shows I like are My Super Sweet Sixteen and Made, not recorders, but I watch if I catch it.)

5.  Yikes, there is no #5.  I'm probably good with just four shows to veg out with, but let me know if you have any recommendations!


Jacqui said...

I've started watching SYTYCD this season, and I've enjoyed it, but I must say that I'm SOOOO over the three judges on every reality tv show. It's getting to be a bit much. I think might do a post about it....

But I've never heard of any of those other shows. We don't have cable, so I guess I just don't know what I'm missing.

Brenny said...

I have stayed away from Burn Notice up until now. Since you recommended it, I think I'll try it.

Love My Boys, but I haven't gotten into the dance shows this year...

My one suggestion would be 'The Closer'. I watched last season and have been watching reruns the first season. I'm hooked.

Christi said...

I did watch The Closer for a while, and I really liked it. I just don't like the icky storylines all those Law and Order/CSI shows tend to take...incest, rapes, drugs, adultery, etc...and and some shows can be so graphic. When Tom was gone during the weeks before we moved I couldn't watch shows I would lay in bed and think about and get scared about -The Closer didn't make the cut.