Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Five

I figure moving is something everyone must experience in life.  Tom and I are hoping to start to 'settle' somewhere soon.  Our longest place has been Minnesota...almost three years, really only 2 1/2 in our house. (Well, I guess we were in Fort Collins for 3 1/2 years, but we moved apartments.)  Moving is exciting, but such a pain!  As we are getting our bearings here in Utah, I've decided today's Friday Five list will be 'Things I hate about moving'.

1.  Finding new doctors and dentists.  Okay, figuring out new insurance stuff is included here (I just spent the last hour trying to navigate the website, to find covered providers).  What a pain.  And, as far as doctors and dentists...I've finally learned to get recommendations from others, although sometimes I still have to just go out on my own.  (FYI-the first doctor I chose, with my first job with insurance, I based on clinic location and that his name was German.  He actually turned out to be one of my favorites.) 
2.  Getting lost.  Getting lost is helpful, because  eventually  you gain a sense of direction/location...but it is time consuming.
3.  Making friends.  Okay, you guys know me.  I'm not very outgoing.  I really love my old friends and dread making new friends.  But, it must be done.  We've had a lot of fun things going on lately, so we've met a lot of new people...but friendships take time.  The kids are doing a better job than I am at the friends are so good at it.
4.  Misplaced items.  Amid the packing and changing locations, things always seem to get lost or misplaced.  I am notorious for 'just seeing that somewhere' and putting things somewhere 'special' then forgetting that 'special' spot.
5.  Deciding where to live.  We have such a difficult time figuring where to buy a house (neighborhood, school, location, etc)...wish us luck!

1 comment:

Brenny said...

I hate having to find new doctors and dentists! That would be #1 on my list, too. I think #2 would be hearing Darren whine and moan about moving my 'large' number of shoes. He really has no idea how much worse I could actually be about footwear.

I have a hard time with the friend thing, too. When we moved to W I was gung ho about getting to know people. When we moved to G I realized I was tired of being 'entertaining.' I slacked off getting to know people for months. I'm still trying to get better about inviting people over for Sunday dinners and such.

I'm excited to see where you guys choose to live...