Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday Five...Foods of the Fourth

Happy Independence Day!  


We don't have much planned today...just swimming and hanging out as a family.  For today's Friday Five I thought I'd share some of the foods that are a part of our annual celebration.  Hope you all have fun and see some great fireworks!

1.  Grilling.  Anything on the grill will do, but most often we go for burgers and hot dogs.  Today I think I'll make our own patties.

2.  Watermelon.  A huge slice of cold watermelon screams 4th of July to me.  Nowadays I prefer the less messy cubed watermelon, but I know my kiddos love a big slice to eat in the backyard.
3.  Corn on the cob.  Can you get any more American?  I think this year we will grill or bake the corn in tin foil.  

4.  Flag cake.  My sister and I started making cool whip cake (aka punch and pour cake) years ago for our family.  We have both taken the tradition into our own homes.  It is super easy and looks great.  

5.  Red vines.  I'm not sure why, but red vines call to me while I watch fireworks.  Many times have I bought red vines, knowing the craving will hit, only to forget to bring them when we go watch fireworks.  Then, with each blast I think, "oohh, aahhh,....I need red vines."  Wish me luck in remembering the red vines this year!



Brenny said...

I agree 100% with your list. I've always wanted to try grilling corn. I remember getting some at Lagoon years ago and I also remember how they dipped it in butter. MMMmmmm... Butter. How did yours turn out?

It was super fun to see your mom, whitney and you last week! Darren and I really need to head out that way soon. Any news on the baby?

Did you remember the Red Vines?

Christi said...

Yes, I remembered the Red Vines-phew. I waited too long to start dinner, so the corn just got boiled rather than grilled...maybe next year.

Rhiannon's doctor won't let her go past baby should be here anytime now. (Is that the baby you were talking about?)