Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bonus Friday Five...How I do love thee

As Father's Day and our anniversary are right around the corner, I would like to post a bonus Friday Five list of things I love about Tom.  (Don't worry Tom, there are more than five things I love about you...but I must stay within the confines of Friday Five.)

1.  Tom is funny.  He makes me laugh, a lot.  I am so thankful for his sense of humor!
2.  Tom is my best friend.  I really don't know what I'd do with out him.  I tell him everything.  He is so loving and supportive of me.   
3.  Tom is a terrific father.  He is so much's good for the kids to have at least one fun parent.  (FYI-I am doing a late night posting while Tom and the boys are doing a backyard campout.)  The kids think Tom is the funniest, coolest, silliest, strongest, biggest, bestest guy on the face of the planet.  (I do, too.)  He makes time to do special things with the kids.  He plays with them when he gets home for work.  He shares in the yucky and tedious parts of parenting (ie. diaper changing, mid-night wakings, bodily function mess cleaning, etc.)  
4.  Tom is hard-working.  I am pretty lazy.  Sometimes I make myself do things just because I don't want Tom to know how lazy I am.  I think after eight years, he's figured it out, but he's never called me out on it.  I appreciate that.  (And by the way, buddy, if you ever attempt to tell me I am lazy, you are in big's like when a girl says she's may be true and it's okay if she says it, but she doesn't really want to hear it from anyone else.)  Tom is one of the hardest working people I know.  He really sets his mind to a task and is totally thorough in getting it done.
5.  Tom is a good example.  He is an example to me, our children, and all those who know him.  He is fun to be around.  He is a good friend.  He is honest in all his doings.  He is thoughtful and caring.  He is passionate about the things he holds dearest in life.  He serves those in need.  He is spiritual.  He is always pursuing an increase in knowledge.  He is charitable.  He is forgiving.  He is tough.  He is patient.  He is kind.  He is smart.  He is humble.  He is just an all-around great guy.  By being so great, he makes those around him (ie. me) want to try to be better, try to be more like him.  I hope our sons will strive to be like their father-because he is great.
(6.)Honorable mention-I think he's cute.



Kevin & Rhiannon said...

We like him too. :) We are so glad you guys are around!

Jacqui said...

I think you definitely listed more that five (6) things with those lists you had running at each bullet point :)

I laughed so hard about doing things just so Tom doesn't think you're lazy. I totally do the same thing--I'll leave the house and kitchen cluttered all day until 20 minutes before Kraig gets home just so it looks like I did something other than, oh I don't know, take care of the kids. hahahah

Brenny said...

This was a great list, too. Tom is a great guy.

Like Jacqui, I laughed about being lazy, because I'm TOTALLY LAZY. Darren has every evening planned for his projects, and I'd so much rather sit down with my book and read. I've learned that 'reading my book' can only be used so often to answer the question 'what is on your agenda tonight?' Laziness. One more reason I'm glad we're friends. :)