Monday, January 19, 2009

Movie Review Monday

We don't go to the movies very often, but we watch a lot at home.  So here are my thoughts and ratings on the movies I watched this last week.


Hancock*(rental) A couple of funny scenes/lines, but otherwise a pretty dumb movie.  I found it much of the storyline predictable, and the rest just didn't make sense.  

Hitch**** (own it) We just watched the first half of it on a weeknight.  It always makes me laugh.  The dancing scene is one of our favorites.

I am Legend*** (own it, thanks to a Black Friday deal)  This was way more suspenseful than I had anticpated.  It was kinda creepy too...not as icky as Disturbia, but still a bit more scary than I expected.  I don't know that I would have bought it had I seen it before, don't know that we'll watch it again.

ID4*****(TV)  We just caught a bit of this movie the other night and thought we would round out our Will Smith week.  This is one of my favorites.  I think I need to own it.

Another Cinderella Story * (TV)  Okay, so I"ll admit, I like to watch teeny bopper movies.  And, any movie that might include some sort of makeover in it.  Tom never watches with me...since he was sick this weekend, I indulged.  Sometimes Aidan likes to watch with me...he's my High School Musical buddy.  Yeah, this movie was bad.  I little too much bad language/innuendos to watch with kids, so I'm glad they were in bed.  

The Perfect Man (2005) Poster

The Perfect Man ** (TV)  Just watched the last half.  Pretty silly story.  I am not a Hillary Duff fan, either.  

Wow, I watched a lot this week....


Jayne said...

Who would have ever thought the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Aire' had talent? Have you seen 7 lbs? I can't figure out the plot of that movie (or what in the world the title means). I saw 'Legend' and the end was such a downer to me after all the crazy suspense and self-preservation that filled the rest of the movie.

Brenny said...

I hadn't heard much about 'I am Legand' and was surprised, but I don't do well with too scary of a movie, so I might not have watched it if I'd known...

Love Independance Day. Love it.

I recorded 'Another Cinderella Story' but haven't watched it yet. I am totally with you concerning teeny bopper movies. I'm sad it was disappointing.

UM, I still haven't seen Mamma Mia! OR The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. We need to do another girls weekend...

Hope Tom feels better.

Christi said...

Brenda-Another Cinderella Story wasn't necessarily a is what it is. Silly teen movie. I mean, I watched the whole thing.

I have watched the other girly movies you mentioned...I was living with my mother-the queen of movie watching. My mom thinks Mamma Mia is fun, I thought it was horrendous. Sisterhood was fine, but I like the first one better. Also, I've only read books one and two, I'm curious to continue with the other ones to see how different/similar to the movies they are.

Mimi said...

since you're in Minnesota and like love stories you have to see "Sweet Land" it's PG and made both of us cry. There's even a little German in it.

Jacqui said...

Hitch is one of my most favorite movies ever. I laugh so hard. I think I should own it too.

Cinderella was pretty dumb, I agree.

Jayne said...

I'm posting again because Hancock was on hold for me at the library and I just watched it. I just have to say it was a total disappointment! I critique movies (like crazy...I'm sure it annoys Dan) and I kept finding all of these ridiculous flaws with the movie. For example, the multiple tornadoes let loose in the middle of the city. How unrealistic and talk about loosing your temper! Plus, what about the pedestrians?

Traveling Pants II came in at the library as well and it was okay but I agree that the first movie was so much better.

kjirsten said...

Hey Christi! It's Kjirsten from TX! I have thought so much about you over the past few months, and was so sad that we had lost touch (again :( -- then out of the blue, I remembered your blog's title, I tried it . . . and voila! here it is!! During our moving process, our internet (connected to our TV bill) was cancelled before I was ready, (long story) and I lost EVERYTHING in my e-mail account . . . including your address, which being so organized -(ha ha), I did not write down. We almost sent a Christmas card to your MN address, and now I wish I had!! I can't believe you're back! What an adventure you have had! I can't wait to hear all about it. Here is my e-mail address: I'd love to get caught-up, once again.

p.s. LOVE, love, love your pictures from December . . . you are all so beautiful. And it looks like you've been having lots of fun! (what kind of camera do you have? Amazing shots!!)