I recently started my facebook page. (? - I don't really know the proper terminology.) It kinda makes me feel young and hip. (Although my little brother Michael is still trying to decide if I am cool enough to be his friend...punk.) At first I totally didn't get the point of it, but now I'm really liking it. It's been so fun to reconnect with long lost friends. And, I've actually chatted to some friends online-very cool. So, if you haven't tried out facebook-give it a try. If I can do it, anyone can. (I also think it is way easier to post pictures on there than on this blog.)
You are my second friend to recommend face book. I am not really into "mySpace." It just seems like too much of a meat market and too many tweens, teens and 20s. Yeah, Facebook sounds more like my speed. I will let you know when I get enough time to start my page. You are totally cool enough to be my friend :)
I finally signed up a few months ago after receiveing a bunch of invitations from various friends. It is fun searching for old acquaintances and adding them as your friends.
Will you be my friend, Chrisit? I surprised we haven't run across each other yet!
Facebook is something I haven't attempted yet. Do I need one more thing to distract me? It would be fun to reconnect with some people, but how do you know who is out there?
Um, that last question was super lame. I'm kind of distracted, sorry!
wow, I don't think I'm cool enough for that. It's like text messaging, I missed it and I'm too scared to try!
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