Sunday, August 17, 2008

School Starts

Well, tomorrow is the big day.  Aidan is back to school.  I feel like a slacker mom...we totally kicked back this summer.  I bought a bunch of workbooks and books to read, and we did them twice.  I told Aidan I hoped he remembered how to read and do his math tomorrow.  We really need year round school.  I think all schools should be year round.  I mean, what is the purpose of a long summer break these days?  There are no fields to be harvested.  All it does is shows which parents are the summer slackers.  

Anyway, Aidan is excited to be in 2nd grade.  Cade starts kindergarten next Monday, and Colin will be in preschool as soon as I actually get him registered (note the previous summer slacker parent comments).  I'm sad to have my kids gone, but a little excited, too.  I am a bit anxious, I always am at the beginning of the school year-about having all of the forms filled out, shots up to date, lunch menu, wondering if the teacher will be good and loving and willing to surrender her own life if a crazed person with a gun comes into the school, and if my child will be friendly and well-behaved.  All this anxiety stems from my own back to school fears when I was growing up-it is amazing I escaped childhood without a serious ulcer.  I'm such a worry-wort.  The worries then and now are different, but I used to freak out when I went back to school, and I still do.  I try really hard not to project my back to school anxieties to my children, and so far I think they are doing okay.

Wish us luck tomorrow-figuring out the drop-off/pick-up lanes, seeing if we got the right school supplies, learning new school rules, making new friends...

1 comment:

Brenny said...

Good luck! I like the idea of year round school. Maybe I like the idea of longer breaks every few weeks...

Did you ever have nightmares before school started? I would usually start having bad dreams about a week to two weeks before classes started. Just the usual missed class on a schedule, or signing up for Chinese but never having taken it. Those kinds of things...