Tom and I are taking advantage of 'Grandma babysitting' this week. We have been hitting the outdoor amphitheaters around town, in an effort to gain some cultural experiences. Tuesday we went to Pride and Prejudice, a musical (!?!), in Orem.
Yeah...not so great, but still fun to be out. (I was shocked that Tom didn't want to buy the cd so he could listen to it in the car when he was stuck in traffic. He-he-he.)
Thursday we went with some MN transplant friends (the VanDykes) to a Brian Reagan show. He's a comedian. It was fun. Lots of laughs. My cheeks hurt. The guy that opened for him, Kermet Apoi, was really funny, too. Here's a clip...okay I can't figure out how to get the clip in here, so here's the link:
We had lots of fun, I think our next double date night will be Comedy Sportz in Provo.
I love Brian Reagan! I've only ever heard his bits on Youtube, but he came to Denver a few months ago but the tickets were insanely priced, so it was a no go.
What fun dates! The musical sounds interesting -- I'm really impressed that you got Tom to go at all.
Tom feels PandP is the only cultural thing he and I can share...I've subjected him to BBC movie, and he liked it. ('Capitol, capitol' is his favorite line.) It's fun. I think he would have liked the one we saw in Denver. By the way, Mr. Collins has got to be a great character to play...he offers so much humor!
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