Monday, August 18, 2008

Not totally unfounded worrying.

Poor Aidan.  So excited for the first day of school - he was up and dressed before 7am (school doesn't start until 9am).  He asked if he could walk Champ, I hesitated and asked if he thought he could control Champ, because sometimes he pulls.  He said yes, and I thought I might as well let him go, we needed to fill the time.  I don't know if he had been gone more than five minutes when I heard him crying coming back up the street.  I ran upstairs and met him at the dog and a hurt arm.  I felt his shoulder and thought maybe he'd dislocated it.  Luckily my parents were around to help me know where an urgent care clinic was and to watch the other kiddos.  So, once we were at the clinic Aidan had stopped crying and his shoulder felt better, so I thought maybe it had popped back in so this would be no big deal.  They did the x-ray and I could see it as soon as it came up on the screen...fractured clavicle.  It's a pretty bad one, so we have to go see the orthopedic surgeon to make sure it's gonna heal okay.  So, Aidan has his arm in a sling (luckily it's his left arm, and he is a righty) and is loaded full of ibprofen.  The doc said he could go to school, but no PE, and it might be pretty painful.  So, I took Aidan into school just as they were headed out for recess.  I talked to the teacher for a bit and left.  As I was leaving I saw Aidan out standing all by himself against the wall.  So sad.  He is a fun friendly boy, and this is a bad way to start your first day of school, at a new school.  Anyway, he lasted about an hour and his teacher called...he was crying and in pain.  It's been a rough day, poor guy.  I'd post pics, but Tom has the camera with him in MN (he's camping/canoeing in the Boundary Waters all this cell phone reception).  My little camera needs the batteries charged, and I think I left my charger in MN.  It has been a long day for everyone.
FYI-  Last year Aidan was suffering from giardia  when school started.  That kid really has bad 'back to school' luck!


Brenny said...

Poor Aiden! I hope he feels better soon and can run and play with the rest of the kids. He'll really have first day anxiety if these things keep happening on the first day of school. Poor guy!

Robin Fisher said...

Adam broke his collar bone about 3 1/2 years ago. They heal quickly, but Adam still brings it up. And I totally understand being the new kid. I also had high hopes to do workbooks and read a whole library's worth of books with Adam the summer, but it didn't happen. Oh, well, now we are riding the homework express :) I think I would be a big fan of year round school, too.

Mel said...

That's terrible! you need to call me!

Jacqui said...

Oh no! poor kid. Maybe if he has to get a cast it will help him make friends because they can sign his cast.