Monday, June 7, 2010


(All of the following pictures were taken with my iphone-so the quality is not great.)

This is Ellie on Thursday at Colin's last day of school ice cream party.  Notice the hair.  It was getting long, so I asked her if she wanted to grow it out and have long hair.  She said she wanted it short.  Okay.  She's pretty grumpy with her hair lately-lots of tears when we comb it and she is picky about letting my do her hair and put bows in it (so sad for me).  Plus, she's been getting lots of food in her hair-yuck.  

I asked her if she wanted to go to mom's hair lady or to Kids Hair.  She said she wanted to go to the mom place.  So, I set up her appointment at a 'real' salon, and she got her haircut on Friday.  It was cute.   She ended up with a pretty short bob...a total mini me cut.  :)  I don't have a picture, but it was cute-and well done, especially in the back, which has proven challenging for the Kid's Hair people.  

You all know where this is going....

Today I was upstairs with Liam, I thought Ellie was watching a movie with her brothers.  When I came downstairs I saw lots of little piles of cut paper-you know, just those sliver cuts, a tell-tale sign of preschool cutting.  Uh-oh.  Where's Ellie?  "Ellie where are you?  Are you doing something naughty?", I called.  "Coming, Mom", she says as she hops down the stairs with a big grin.  "Aaaaaccckkk!  Ellie!  What did you do!?!  You cut your hair!!!"

I know it's not THAT bad.  My friend, Brenda, has school pictures, if I recall correctly, of the bangs she cut down to the roots as little girl.  I think Ellie was just sitting with the scissors and cutting where she could see her hair.  I guess one good thing is that we won't have food in the hair's too short to fall forward and get in her mouth.

So, off we go to the "Hair Store" with much discussion about how only the ladies at the hair store cut hair.  This is the second time she's done serious hair damage with the scissors (which I keep out o sight and hidden-in fact the only pairs I know of are two kiddie scissors in the kitchen cupboard).  Of course the last cut just recently grew out.  So, here we go again....

Off to get it fixed.  They just charged me $5 for a recut, and my hair girl wasn't there, so we had to have someone new.  Ellie was super chatty...informed the ladies that mom said she looked like a boy, mom was so mad, etc.

Here is the fix.  Her bangs now start at the back of her head, eventually as things grow and blend we can comb it over to the side again.

I still love her, but the hair just makes me sad.


The Hunts said...

Oh my heavens! That is my fear with 3 little daughters... but so far they haven't done serious damage, to their hair, at least. They've cut lots of shirts, skirts, dresses, pants and the like. And your little girl is so cute anyway. Hair grows, thank goodness!

Christi said...

April, all your girls have such long hair, too. My boys have all gone through cutting phases as well-hair not so much. Oh, Ellie.

Brenny said...

I know the pain well -- not just my own pain at cutting my hair and explaining to people that I am not in fact a boy, but also having Autumn cut her hair and looking like she had a mullet. The layered bangs really will end up looking cute, but I'd love to have seen the mini-me bob, too.

Mimi said...

heartbreak. So sorry. It happened at our house, too. Hope this meets the quota of mischief for the year. You should be fine now...ha ha

Charlene said...

Unfortunately, girls and scissors go hand in hand. She's still a cutie!
Never had any trouble with my boys cutting their hair, so I thought that I escaped that phase until I found Emma one day showing me a lock of her hair!! She had cut one side of her hair! I cried and asked her why...all she could do was cry with me!! Lucky for me, she has curly hair so we didn't have to do anything, but wait for it to grow out!
I just realized that I said "never" had any trouble with my boys.....I forgot that my three year old still could attempt to do it, and he would!! Have to hide those scissors from him!

Robin Fisher said...

Amanda cut her hair 3 times in 2009!!! All I can say is hide the scissors.

Brighid said...

"I still love her, but the hair just makes me sad." This made me laugh out loud! Oh Ellie....

Kevin & Rhiannon said...

That is hilarious! Okay, so I thought the first short hair pic of Ellie was an earlier pic of Aidan...oops! But then the last picture of Ellie looks super cute actually. She still looks like a girl.

Jayne said...

Oh no! With three girls I don't know how we've escaped this (so far...knock on wood!!). Hannah (4 yrs) is really good at doing her hair and even inspired a crazy hair day at preschool. I'm waiting and hoping the day doesn't come where she decides to be a real hairstylist and actually cut some hair.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh! what a bummer. something I don't think boys do. at least hair will grow!

Christi said...

Natalie...boys do it, too. At least mine have-but it's an easy fix. Girls with a buzz cut? Not so much.