Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Catch-Up: June

Yippee!!! Summer's here!

We started the summer with buzz cuts for the boys...Colin's was REALLY short. He was excited at first, but then it turned to tears for a while. Eventually he came to terms with his 'Bald Monkey' look.

It's Great to be Eight

Aidan turned 8! We celebrated at home on his birthday, and again at his skating birthday party. The celebration continued with a special visitors, Oma, Opa, and Uncle Mikey coming for his baptism.

The birthday feast, per Aidan's request: Homemade Mac n' Cheese, Rolls, Corn, and fried Walleye (caught by Dad) and Ice Cream Sundaes-with sour gummi worms, cherries, whipped cream, and oreos.
I don't know what was going on with this picture..good thing we had another party, so I could try for a better candle photo.
Goofy 8-year-old
Skating Party
Brownie cupcakes


Aidan was baptized by his father on Saturday, June 20th. It was a very special day for our family. We are very proud of Aidan for choosing to be baptized.

My cousin, David, and his family were able to join us, too.

While my parents were here, we were able to go 'up North' to explore the Duluth/Lake Superior area. We had fun at a hotel with a water park, then set off to take in the sites.

Betty's Pies
This is one of Tom's favorite spots in MN, Betty's Pies. He stops there after his Boundary Water trips, it gives me and the kids something added to look forward to when Tom is off doing the wilderness thing...mmmm, maybe he'll bring us home a pie. Tom talked Betty's Pies up so much when we were in UT, my dad actually ordered one-and paid and absurd amount to have it shipped, but it was awesome! And, you know us Wilsons-we're all about the food. We had to make a visit to Betty's Pies while they were here.

Gooseberry Falls

(yeah, easier said than done)
Hey, my brother, Michael just got his mission call! Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mission! (FYI-I guessed it!?!)

Split Rock Lighthouse

The weather was horrible...foggy and cold, appropriate for a lighthouse visit, I suppose. This is a pic from a previous trip Tom had been on.

Mikey Goes Fishing
I'm not sure Michael has been fishing, other than Scout requirements. We were able to squeeze in some time for Tom to take him out on the canoe for a quick fishing trip. Look at those big fish he was reeling in. :) He caught a couple of fish, and had fun, so it was a success.

Big News
The timing was perfect: Tom's parents came through town on their way up to Leech Lake while my parents were visiting, so we were able to share our baby news with both families, in person. We've never had that opportunity before. It was a lot of fun! That's right...five kids (yikes!). So, I'm as crazy as my mom, but only half as crazy as my mother-in-law. :)
(This is not our baby, just a generic photo I found. We have had our ultrasound...things are looking healthy, I'm feeling great, and we are waiting for our Christmas delivery to find out if it's a boy or girl.)


Jacqui said...

COngrats! That's so exciting that you're having another baby.

Your parents are so cute :) And I totally had to study the photo of Michael because that was really the last age I saw Kevin at and I think they look so much alike.

Courtney said...

Yeah for babies!! What fun news. I noticed the baby countdown and thought you were just trying to see how long before people noticed. Congrats!! Can't wait to here what your Christmas surprise is.

Jayne said...

Congratulations! What fun news! What's the exact due date? You are definitely 'Super-Mom'.

Christi said...

Due date is Dec 17th...but, I'm always late....and, since my babies have a tendency toward the HUGE side-thus making the doc comfortable with inducing at 39 we shall see. :) For now, I'm thinking anytime between Dec 9 and Dec 25. :)