Saturday, July 11, 2009

Catch-Up: End of School

I've not been doing so well on blogging...June was super busy for us. So, I will attempt to get things caught up a bit. So, as we ended May and rounded into June, the big happenings were: Tom bought a canoe and took the boys out for the first time. They've been several times since (in fact, this weekend Tom and Aidan and another father/son are doing a canoe/camp trip on the Mississippi River). The boys LOVE to go fishing with Tom-Tom is still working out the kinks to make it a smooth experience (last time ended with the three boys running around buck naked-having got wet and sandy and told to take there clothes off before getting in the car. FYI, they were NOT the only people in the parking lot). The boys had their end of year concerts and finished up preschool (no pictures though...Colin has one more year, and will be with the same teacher-so we'll get sentimental next year), kindergarten, and the 2nd grade. They all had a great year in school, despite our mid year move. I am glad they had great teachers in UT and MN, and were able to make good friends at both schools. Anyway, here are the pics:

The Canoe
Do you name canoes? If so, I don't think she has a name yet...
The inaugural sail.
At the end of May Spring finally sprung in MN. One of our favorite signs of spring is the dandelions along the street, before they get mowed.

Aidan's 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Kruger.
Aidan's concert

Cade's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. ET (short for Erikson-Thoemke, pretty fun)
I just realized...I think Cade wore this same shirt the first day of school...
Cade's concert
Eager concert goers...well, they were eager for the fruit snacks I had stocked the camera bag with...
Colin (peace out, dude)

Here's a pic of the dang dog, Champ. I really lost it with him in May, and I thought he would be leaving us. But, alas, he's still here. Champ is Tom's hunting dog and, apparently pretty good at it, which is lucky for the dog-but I wish he could go fishing with Tom, too. And, on camping trips...and business trips...and to work with him everyday. Okay, so my feelings are pretty clear. At least the kids love him.

Next installment: June-Summer begins!

PS-For those who care, I've totally been wasting my money with Netflix. We are so busy every evening with sports, then so tired at bedtime, I've not been watching ANY movies. I did catch one last night though...
Dear Frankie Dear Frankie **** I quite liked it. It is a drama, I don't know how Tom would have liked it, could go either way. For me, it was a tear jerker here and there. It was kind of sad, yet happy. Plus, I think the guy in it was also in my last tearjerker, PS I Love You. I think I might be getting a crush on him...

Another PS-For those of you who knew me in high school...this 5th grade graduate at Aidan's concert reminded me so much of my own high school graduation hair. Well, it's cute enough on her, on me...finger stuck in socket? Ah, the memories....


Brenny said...

Your hair did not look like that! I was there and I don't remember any light sockets. You may have to provide proof...

The canoe looks like fun -- that is nice that Tom will take the boys. I laughed about the parking lot story. Classic.

I also like Dear Frankie -- I think that was the first movie I saw Gerard Butler in. Definitely crush worthy...

I have to admit I had to make myself keep watching Lost in Austen -- the story was too messed up. I did think she should have ended up with Wickham instead of Darcy...

Christi said...

My hair so totally looked like that-only frizzier! I don't have a scanner...but, pull out your graduation photos, it'll all come back to you. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens! I thought for a minute that it was you! But I took a second look and you were NEVER that frizzy. Takes me back, though....sounds like you have been having a great time. Hope your summer is keeping you just as busy with lots of fun activities.