North and South ***** Be forewarned, this is a BBC mini-series, so it's a four hour deal. I watched in in two evenings, which was great. I just finished the book the week before. I liked the book quite a lot, I"ll have to read more Elizabeth Gaskell, and it was fresh in my head as I watched the movie. I thought the adaptation quite good. But, then, I knew all the other stuff that the movie didn't portray. I'm curious what someone who hasn't read the book would think of the movie. The kiss was much anticipated, and well done. He-he-he. If you are in the mood for a bonnet-movie, I'd give this one a go. I don't know that it is very husband friendly-pretty long, and not much comic relief (ie. Mr. Collins)...yes, I've made Tom watch P&P. He handled it, but I don't think he could make it through this one.
Taken ***** This is a good action/suspense film. I actually saw it in the theater not too long ago, and told Tom we should rent it some he picked it up this weekend. It is rather disturbing to think of how real this whole scenario could be, though.
Monsters vs. Aliens **, maybe ***. We actually took the kids to the theater to see this one. It was a fun, but expensive, family outing. ("Multiply anything by 6 and it's expensive", right, Dad?) The movie was tolerable for Tom and I-not particularly funny, the kids really liked it...but their standards aren't too high. If you've got kids it would be a decent rental, otherwise, I wouldn't go out of my way to see it.
I think I've checked out North and South but never got around to watching it. Maybe I'll try it again.
MvA is out on dvd? How did I miss that?
Glad you brought back your reviews!
Yay for movie Mondays! Darren and I don't get to see movies very often, so I've been relying on you to make sure the ones we choose are good ones. I'll put 'Taken' on our list. Since we both seem to have a liking for ABC Family movies, I completely trust your taste.
I think I might need to own North and South. Oh, and I'm impressed you got Tom to watch Pride and Prejudice. Maybe he can convince Darren to try it just once...
Jacqui-no, no, no, not on dvd, we actually went to the movie theater. Ouch. I don't know why we do it-usually once or twice a year-it's so not worth it (in and out with potty breaks, shushing everyone)-and it is sooo expensive if you are not at good ol' Utah cheap seats. But the kids think it's great-and it's just kinda fun to do, I guess.
Bren-Yeah, I don't know how I got him to watch it. I've also had him take me to some REALLY cheesy productions of P&P. He probably would have really liked the one you and I saw. Maybe he's just a trooper because he knows how much I love it.
one of the best kisses. Now see :Wife and Daughters' by Gaskell and "Cranford" it's based on 3 different books. Its a bit lighter and very well done.
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