Monday, February 16, 2009

Birthday Boy


Colin's birthday was last week, and as we were traveling, we ended up celebrating it all weekend long (gifts on Friday, Chuck E Cheese on Saturday, cupcakes on Sunday).  As most of you know, I really don't care for the years many tantrums, separation issues, the whole 'I am my own person' thing.  As many of you also know, Colin has really tried my patience these last two years.  He is sooooo mischevious.  His brothers were difficult at that age, too, but 4 was a magical birthday-all the sudden they became people pleasers.  Colin hasn't seemed to find the magic...I'm hoping it'll come sometime this year.  I love him, but whew, what a workout he is.

Open the cards first...
Brothers can help with the reading...
YES!  A music card, with a favorite song..."Who let the dogs out..." 
Oh, the epic sibling struggle...let me, it's mine!
Oh yeah-a noisy toy from Oma!

Skip forward to Sunday in Appleton, WI...

Mmmmm, cupcakes.  Colin was excited to put in his own candles...don't worry he didn't light them (so help us if he figures out how to work lighters/matches in the near future).
Happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Kiddo!  You're a wild one - we love you!

PS-Did you notice the paint patches in the gift opening pictures...painting will commence soon!  I'm excited to change the color.  :)


kjirsten said...

I LOVE that first picture of Collin!! Talk about boys growing up! He was just a tiny guy last time we saw him. At first I was thinking that picture was Cade (even though it DID say Collin), but then I saw Cade and Aiden down below, in another pic., and WOW -- big, grown-up boys! Then it clicked. Kids just grow too fast. Boo. Happy Birthday Collin! I hope the "magic" happens for you Christi! (I can soooo sympathize -- that's my Luke -- to a "T")

Brenny said...

I'm not sure how I missed this post! Happy Birthday Colin! I hope he calms down a bit... or at least doesn't let you see him sledding down the stairs into the pool. :) I'm excited to see the painting! Also, was the cupcake picture taken at Laurie's?

Christi said...

Yes-cupcakes at Laurie's. What color did you choose for your living room?