Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's all a matter of perspective

While at Disneyland we gave each of the boys a disposable camera so they could take some of their own pictures. They thought it was great, but were disappointed they didn't have a screen on the back of the camera to see what the picture looked like. Of course, it only took about 20 minutes to use up all the film.

I just picked up the photos this morning and couldn't stop laughing! Aidan and Cade got some lovely pictures of sidewalks, walls, bushes, and a few cute posed ones of Michael and my parents. The funniest was Colin's...all he sees are butts! Seriously, walking butts, standing butts, butts going through turnstiles. 28 pictures of our family's (and lots of strangers') butts. Oh, and a couple looking up at my dad and brother-they are GIANTS from Colin's perspective. It was so funny, and helps me remember how tough it is to be a kid.


Brenny said...

That is HILARIOUS! Oh man, kids are great.

Brenny said...

I was going to say it is a shame you can't post the pics, but then realized I wouldn't want to see all the sidewalks, bushes, and rear ends...

Jacqui said...

"Oh, that's a good looking rear right there!" Click "Ooo! Look at that one!" Click "Nobby knees, straight ahead!" Click

SO funny!

Robin Fisher said...

I am still laughing!