Thursday, November 13, 2008

Books, Birthday, and Baby Hair

Here's what's been going on lately:


Alpine has no library.  Isn't that absolutely atrocious!?!  I think it is appalling.  This situation has caused me to search the shelves in my parents home, or actually buy my books on  I have not been reading lately-and I've been so bored whenever I've had a few minutes of  'down time'.  So, I put in my amazon order. I was sooo excited when they arrived yesterday!  I already finished one book, and I'm ready to move on to the next. (I think I devoured it because it's been a while since I've read anything...feast or famine.  The next book I'll try reading during the 'down times', rather than ignore all responsibilities.)  I love to read!

Tuesday I turned 32.  I had a great day celebrating with my family - thanks guys.  32 doesn't seem as old as it used to sound... 

Last Friday Ellie got her first real haircut.  (I forgot to bring my camera...)  I always imagined my daughter with long, flowing locks - but it just wasn't happening.  So, we cut off her baby hair.  We'll see how things grow...maybe the long, flowing locks will come eventually?  I think her new cut is pretty cute.  I bought a little round brush and once in a while she actually lets me dry it cute.   She really looks like a little girl to me now.  Where's my baby?

Ellie with 'long' hair.

The big girl cut.


Courtney said...

Happy belated birthday. I think that Elle's hair is so adorable! I used to laugh at mom's who wouldn't let go of the baby hair phase, but now that I have a daughter, I am starting to understand. Of course, she still needs to grow hair in order to cut it off, but that is beside the point, right?

Mimi said...

Happy Birthday! Evey got her baby hair cut by her brother. I do like the styled cut but I cried when the locks were all in a dust pan. She looks sooo cute! No library???

Brenny said...

Which book did you devour? I'm so curious. I'm glad you had a good birthday -- very cute picture, by the way. Elle's new do is great! I love the little bob.

Jayne said...

Happy birthday! I can't believe you don't have a library. Sad to say but the library and grocery store are like my second homes.

Jacqui said...

Happy Birthday! 32 looks good on you :)

I love her haircut! It's darling.

Robin Fisher said...

Amanda has the same hair cut! I figure we will go for the long flowing locks when she is old enough to hold still and actually let me do her hair instead of me chasing her around the house with a brush --I am sure you understand.
Happy Birthday! is my favorite place to buy an SELL books.

Kevin & Rhiannon said...

Happy belated Birthday! Sorry I wasn't on top of that one. Ellie is so cute--short hair, long hair, no hair! :)