Sunday, August 31, 2008

Slice and Dice

So, I had surgery on Wednesday. My thyroid...again. I had the right side removed about five years ago, just after Cade was born. It was much scarier then. This time just feels like an inconvenience. Both times they (doctors) were concerned it may be cancerous. Last time wasn't, and I don't expect this time to be either, though the tests won't be back until Tuesday. (It seems all my tests this summer have fallen on holiday weekends.) I don't remember the surgery taking such a toll on me last time. Although, I did have a new baby and toddler, so it's really just a blur. Last time they sent me home right after the surgery, and I remember that day being pretty miserable. This time I got to stay overnight at the hospital. Ahhh, it was sooo quiet! Not to mention, the narcotics. This go 'round I've been totally exhausted. (I probably was last time, too, but who could say if it was from new baby or surgery?) Last time the stitches looked really horrible and I wore scarves for quite a while. I went to church today with no scarf (they're all in MN) and felt totally self-conscious... mainly because people really noticed. So, tomorrow I'm going scarf shopping.

Anyway, for the most part, recovery is going well. That's this week's excitement.

ps-I had Tom take this picture, he thinks it's too gross to post, but I'm thinkin' you guys are tougher than he thinks. Besides, how am I supposed to take that from him? Does it totally gross him out to look at me? Maybe it does. Oh well, now you can relate to what Tom has to look at everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope you're up to par soon.